What you should know about scalp allergies

Today we bring you a somewhat complex but very important issue to take care of the health of the scalp and maintain the comfort of using undetectable hair prostheses. Let’s talk about scalp allergies:

In order to maintain a hair prosthesis, it is necessary to use products such as protective scalp, liquid glues and adhesive tapes, composed of chemicals suitable for the skin and largely hypoallergenic. However, it is possible to develop allergies that cause skin discomfort. Allergies are generally immune responses to substances that the body considers harmful, although they usually are not.

These reactions are more common than is believed, and can be triggered by various factors such as the environment, genes, combinations of reactive substances, among others. The immune system works to fight harmful agents such as bacteria, viruses and allergens. When the body reacts to an allergen, chemicals known as histamines are released that trigger allergy symptoms, triggering a hypersensitive response that can lead to rash, peeling skin and itching.

What is it about?

Dermatitis is the condition where the skin becomes red, inflamed or painful after being in direct contact with a certain substance.

There are two types of contact dermatitis: irritant dermatitis, where the skin reacts to chemicals that may be present in acids, alkaline materials such as soaps and detergents, fabric softeners, solvents or others. In this case, the reaction can be triggered right after contact when the chemicals are very irritating or after several contacts when it comes to mildly irritating chemicals.

On the other hand, allergic contact dermatitis is a particular reaction of each individual when he comes into contact with a substance that causes allergic symptoms. Common allergens are present in almost all types of adhesives, even those that are usually hypoalargenic. In our case, in all the adhesive tapes used to fix the hair prostheses, they are the ones that can cause this type of reaction.

Allergic reactions do not usually occur when you first come into contact with the allergen. It can develop within 24 to 48 hours of exposure, but the reaction is likely to be released after regular use. This, because there is the possibility of tolerating the substance for months, years or even decades before developing the allergy.


  • Itching that can become very strong.
  • Red, streaked, or patchy rash where the substance came into contact with the skin.
  • Wet blisters with fluid oozing or crusting.
  • Tenderness and warmth in the affected area.
  • Scaly skin, raw or thick.
  • Inflamed and sore skin when exposure is prolonged.

As we already see, we must clarify that it is a particular reaction of each individual that causes the allergy and not the product itself. All the products offered in our Hair Solution store are dermatologically tested and are suitable for the skin, however, this is not a determining element to ensure that a reaction will not develop when coming into contact with the product.

One factor that can influence the development of allergy to a product that was not previously available is when the body’s defenses are low, either due to a viral disease or because antibiotics are being taken.

Our recommendation is that before being a user of prostheses or any cosmetic product in general, an allergy test is performed. It involves placing a small piece of tape on the inside of the wrist and waiting 24 or 48 hours to see if there is a reaction. The skin should be watched closely for signs such as swelling and redness. When you react, it is advisable to try another type of tape.

If you are already a prosthesis user and you already have or had a reaction you can try changing tapes, or glue for a few weeks until the affected area improves. If you try this and the allergy continues to bother or worsen, it is best to visit a specialist who will determine the best treatment for the reaction. Before visiting it is best to avoid direct contact with the substance suspected of causing the allergy and keep the area clean and dry.

Treatment for scalp allergies:

Some of the medicines that can be used to treat allergies are:

  • Antihistamines that can be purchased with or without a prescription.
  • Anti-inflammatories, in presentation of creams and ointments for the skin.
  • Corticosteroids for short periods in injections or pills when allergic symptoms are severe.

But the skien specialist will determine the appropriate treatment based on what is causing the problem. In Hair Solution we make available to our clients, a trusted dermatologist, located in the same building of our center in Madrid, knowing that it can be a little uncomfortable to attend the doctor and explain the allergic situation of the scalp by using a hair prosthesis.

We can manage appointments with the specialist privately, it is only necessary to send an email to info@hairsolution.es explaining the situation, or call our offices directly to request the appointment.

Also, our stylists are trained to give the first orientations when allergies on the scalp are mild. In most cases, allergic contact dermatitis should go away without complications after 2 or 3 weeks. However, there is a possibility that it will recur if the substance that causes it is not identified or avoided.

We will be happy to answer your questions and comments. Do not forget to follow us on all our social networks.

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