Maintenance and fitting

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Products to keep your hairpiece in perfect conditions

If you already use hairpieces, you’ll be aware that they need specific care and maintenance to keep them looking like new for as long as possible. And to successfully fit and remove them, you need a set of products specifically designed to respect the properties and meet the needs of these hairpieces.

As experts in fitting and preparing customised hairpieces, here at Hair Solution we know exactly what these needs are and what the best products are to care for them and keep them in a perfect condition. That’s why our online hair cosmetics store provides a selection of high-quality products such as solvents, liquid adhesives, protectors, adhesive tapes, knot sealers, adhesive removers, etc., so that you can conveniently, easily and safely maintain and fit your hairpieces at home.

You’ll be able to remove your hairpiece and fit a new one just like a professional, guaranteeing undetectable results. Check out our excellent products now to make sure you always have a perfect look.